Magna tal-istampa tal-balan tal-kompattur idrawliku awtomatiku
$34000-45000 /Set/Sets
Tip ta 'Ħlas: | T/T |
Min. Ordni: | 1 Set/Sets |
Trasport: | Ocean |
Port: | Shanghai |
$34000-45000 /Set/Sets
Tip ta 'Ħlas: | T/T |
Min. Ordni: | 1 Set/Sets |
Trasport: | Ocean |
Port: | Shanghai |
Mudell Nru.: Y81T-250
Brand: Zhouzhuang
Post Tal-oriġini: Iċ-Ċina
Status: Ġdid
Spezzjoni Tal-Fabbrika Tal-Vidjow: Ipprovdut
Rapport Tat-Test Mekkaniku: Ipprovdut
Tip Ta 'kummerċjalizzazzjoni: Prodott Ordinarju
Perjodu Ta 'garanzija: Sena
Materjal Li Jista 'jinqala': Ram / Ram, LIGA, Aluminju, Azzar tal-Karbonju, Azzar li ma jsaddadx
Servizz Barra Mill-Warranty: Vidjo appoġġ tekniku, Appoġġ onlajn, Spare parts, Servizz ta 'manutenzjoni u tiswija fuq il-post
Mod Ta 'kwittanza Tal-balla: Push-out tal-ġenb
Garanzija: Sena waħda
Sors Ta 'enerġija: Idrawliku
Aktar Frisk: Apparat li jkessaħ l-ilma
Kwalità: ISO9001: 2008
Post Tal-oriġini: Jiangsu, iċ-Ċina
Operazzjoni: Siemens PLC Awtomatiku / Manwal
Forza Tal-istampa: 2500KN / 250ton
Produzzjoni Ta 'kuljum: 20 ~ 42ton / 8h
Piż Tal-magna: 19 ~ 27ton
Unitajiet tal-Bejgħ | : | Set/Sets |
Tip ta' Pakkett | : | Ippakkjar nude |
Eżempju ta' l-Istampa | : |
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Aluminum shavings baler adopts horizontal structures, press and forming in one pass, featuring with easy feeding, large press ratio and high efficiency. Aluminum scraps baler adopts hydraulic driving, manual operation and PLC operation are available. Aluminum turnings baler is mainly used in steel factory, recycling company, metal process plants and metal smelting plant etc. to press various metal offset etc. into bales, which is good for reducing the store and transport cost and also good for improving the smelting quality.
All hydraulic scrap metal baler machines are hydraulic-driven with alternatives of manual or automatic control;
Bale-discharging alternative: turn-out, push-out, forward or manual discharge;
No foot bolts needed for installation, Diesel engine can be used as power when electric power is unavailable;
The size of hydraulic scrap metal baler can be customized as per customers' needs.
model |
Y81T-250A |
Y81T-250B |
Y81T-250C |
nominal force |
2500kn |
2500kn |
2500kn |
press box size |
2000*1400*900mm |
2000*1750*1000mm |
2500*2000*1200mm |
bale size |
500*500mm/600*600mm |
500*500mm/600*600mm |
500*500mm/600*600mm |
bale weight |
180~300kg |
200~350kg |
210~360kg |
production |
20~36t/8h |
30~40t/8h |
32~42t/8h |
total power |
22kw*2 |
30kw*2 |
30kw*2 |
machine weight |
about 19ton |
about 23ton |
about 27ton |
we use NM500 wear plate on the gate and feed box,
make the machine stronger and more wera-resisting,
extend the machine service life.
abandon screw-type coupling, high pressure horse joint
adopts FAS sealing flange which has better sealability,
better anti-vibration, better resistance to leaking.
we use blades on the door sides and feeding box sides.
the blades can cut extra scrap when machine works.
bettr to protect the machine.
each machine will equip a water cooler,
it can reduce the oil temperature,
avoid too high temperature.
Dikjarazzjoni tal-Privatezza: Il-privatezza tiegħek hija importanti ħafna għalina. Il-kumpanija tagħna twiegħed li ma tiżvelax l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek lil kwalunkwe espansija mingħajr il-permessi espliċiti tiegħek.
Imla aktar informazzjoni sabiex tkun tista 'tagħmel kuntatt miegħek aktar malajr
Dikjarazzjoni tal-Privatezza: Il-privatezza tiegħek hija importanti ħafna għalina. Il-kumpanija tagħna twiegħed li ma tiżvelax l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek lil kwalunkwe espansija mingħajr il-permessi espliċiti tiegħek.